The table is finished! Handles on, shelves in, fini!
Then, I finished my "spare change" quilt. I loaded extra backing on so ...
I then finished some more quilts....

That's the side, I have book shelves for knic-knacs and books. I priced out "brand name"
quilt tables and decided that I wanted to build my own from Kitchen cabinets & countertop.
I'm pretty happy with the result for me, It was _way_ more cost effective. I have some drawers on one side and on the other upper shelves (cheaper) .. so I am thrilled.
Now I just have to clean up from all the mess. Note the tight crop on pics.
So here are closeups on "finished work" . The 4 piece orange circle is part of the backing of my spare change quilt

This is close-ups of a couple of gifties... to new parents .... knock wood.

See the power strip in the back there? My recycled Ikea plate rack from my first apartment for my rulers. Cup of cold brew tea... I have an office chair from Office Depot ... Its my sweet spot..

Closer up on my sewing machine cutout.

Ginny over at
Ginnys Quilts meme ed me a 6th meme... .
I am to show you the 6th picture of the 6th folder and then Meme 6 more people.
Now, I hate this kind of stuff.... never ever do it... but I like Ginny and since she so sweet...
and I want to be as communal as I am able. I will post my pic. And if you want to post your 6th to 6 feel free. ...
Kimpossible5: Just because I half do this one meme .... do not tag me for recipes...
Don't even try it sister!

This is a deer from "The Pines" on Fire Island. a little fawn. Aggressive, covered in ticks, ... what a cutie. This was across the walk from my FILs cottage. His partner was the original buyer.
At night as we fall asleep, we listen to the surf and the distant bump bump of the dance music...
good times.
Quilters Rock!!