Look at that?
my DHs new grill. In the store trying to talk me into it he said "Look honey, it's kinda steam punk." Hilarious. I don't know where he got that. He really is thrilled, and so motivated to cook.

Over the weekend, he cooked, we all ate, it was good. Hooray!
We sat eating in the back yard watching the birds play in the fountain. I haven't been able to get a good photo of the birds... here's the fountain.

Here's my first tomato of the season and I am so thrilled! It's a Sungold - a cherry tomato with citrus notes. Yummy! That's basil in the foreground. more yum.

In the studio - I have been busy. I joined the round about quilt along over at
I was already working on a green/blue quilt top that is curved piecing that I need to finish and then I am going to do bigger blocks for her quilt along in a more vibrant contrasty color way.
I am doing my piecing in a much different way than she says to do it, but when I talked to her about it she said I could piece in my own fashion.
I thought you might be interested in how I do it:
First I pick out a bunch of fabrics, for this one I am doing low contrast, blues/greens with about a quarter of the fabrics as solids in blue, green and yellow(that's my contrast- the yellow).
I am using the templates from
Elisa's Backporch. I love these! they come in at least a couple of sizes. I'm using the six inch medium. I cut about a 7.5" strip and cut out the pieces.

In this next picture you'll see 2 things.
1. Enclosed are her instructions that she calls the "one pin method" after a little practice even that seems like too many pins. really. I promise.
2. I overlapped the templates to show the seam line. If you sew a good quarter inch seam, they really don't any trimming. Easy. Peasy. They are meant to fit together.

I then make 3 stacks:
1. with the seams ironed open with both light and dark centers.

2. a stack pressed towards the dark centers

3. a stack with the seams pressed towards the dark outers.

I just sew and press in batches. I put the parts in a stack. sew them up.

After I am done with the squares I will throw them up on the wall and "make pretty". In my flickr I will tossing around photos of the options to get the color balanced. Think about coming over to have a look.
Tips for sewing? Why yes, I have a couple.
In the next photo you'll notice the needle is in the down position, and I have turned my speed down to half.

That's it. It's super easy and so much fun. For the effort could there be anything that looks cooler? There are lots of ways to do curved piecing. Have you done some? Please post your photos of inspiring curves, rings, or circles over
here in the new flickr.com pool.
Do you want to try? Think about joining
the quilt a long.
Love. Peace.
Quilters Rock!