Man I have been busy!

Originally uploaded by 2ndAveStudio
Busy blowing my nose!
I have been ill with the flu. I stayed out of my studio of about 5 days and focused on not being a H1N1 victim. Then I was so tired, just exhausted.
Couple days ago I got up at 2pm and then took a nap at 7:30pm - seriously sleepy. No, I am not pregnant.. .. :)

Feeling much better now, I am getting back to work. I made these little blocks as a sort of distraction. I can't wait to sew them up into a couple of tops.

Did you miss me?

This is my backyard. The Tree is a potted tree my husband got me years ago..for a fiver. We love it's color. It's right outside our sliders so we can see it.

Oh Gnome you didn't! and Sunday Stash

IMG_0528 by you.
Our Neighbors Boo-ed us with Kettle Corn.. Brand new to the neighborhood she is a good mom. Last night she played board games all night with her kids.
I Boo-ed someone else by sending an extra in the swap ... was it you?
Sunday Stash by you.
Sunday Stash - is my newly acquired Love dots... so cute!
Oh gnome you didn't! by you.
I was out with my Mom running errands on Friday and spotted this Gnome selling coffee.

Sunday Stash

Posted this from my new phone! I dropped my phone and it died. 2 years a go thats what happened to my last phone. I guess I only get so many "whoops" with my cell phones before they die.

I visited Fibers in Motion last week and scored me some owls I love! Those deer are cute too..
that other large print is Mocha it's going for trade or sale in my store at some point..

Quilters Rock!

IMG_1911 by you.
Mashed Bananas. yum! Traders Joes Instant Pudding. Yum.
Oatmeal. Yum! Thai food all mashed up ... seriously yummy!
The food is good but I really miss chewing. Feeling the food break up, tasting. .. I miss it.

Thanks everybody for your nice words and well wishes. Things went well and I only barfed once.
I'm only napping twice a day... and I doing pretty good on pain management.
I got a great plastic appliance to wear and help with the healing and prevent my teeth from wandering. I'm almost ready to get back to work again. :)
Still not talking that much but over all I'm doing pretty well...