I finally finished my 2 quilts I am making for Xmas. This is for my step son, and my favorite quilt of the pair. I'm pretty pleased with it and hope he likes it.

This is for my step daughter who lives in AZ and I hope she likes it. I don't know her very well, and my husband picked out some fabrics and I picked out some more and there you go. I made this for the Round About Quilt Along which I loved participating in and it is open ended, so if you want to make one - check it out. I used the Eliza Back Porch template set which I love! Lots of bang for the buck on this.
My husband quilted on both of these.. and helped with ironing and binding (I mean, if you blinked you missed it- but he helped:})
Now I am making little blocks with scraps and amusing myself. I should be binding for Give a kid a Quilt but I cannot seem to move.. I have worked about 12 hours a day for the last 4 days.
I'm bushed!
I'll be back here in the New Year!
Check out how the Charity work is going over at Give a Kid a Quilt, I'll still be blogging over there.
Check my flickr to see pics of the quilting and details of the work.
I hope everybody has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Quilters Rock!