Another give away! this time munkimunki

Swap by you.
leave a comment, make sure I can reach you and you too could be a winner!
What do you win? munki munki Farmers Market PJ top size small. If I get more than 50 comments I will add another winner(they get the pants or vis versa). So your chances are 1: 50 at the most! After the 100 folks enter then I will add a leg, then another and... I can not imagine a universe where thats gonna happen... but if I get over 100 comments I'll add that 3rd prize. (half of the first 2 prizes)

open to all! no strings! I mean a comment isn't a string, is it? Oh wait! I'm supposed to tell you that if you link to me or promote the giveaway you can enter again. so okay strings ... earn another chance if you link, and make another comment telling me how.
Don't forget; if I can't reach you - your out!
While I have you here...please have a look at Iraqi Bundles of Love.... and see if you can lend a hand. you have until the 7th... and if you send something feel free to enter again!

oh yeah, when is it over? ... lets say next Tuesday august 25th Noonish!


Anonymous said...

i want to win

Anita said...

I love all of this vintage Heather Ross fabric that I keep seeing on blogs. I definitely missed the boat on buying her fabric. Hope you and your family are having a nice summer.

Barb said...

Love this fabric, Rachel! I would love a chance to win....thanks again.

Bronwyn said...

so mega cute!! thanks for the opportunity to win some!

Anonymous said...

sweet giveaway, thanks!

Me? A Mom? said...

oh me oh me oh me! I so would love to win this! Meamom at ymail dot com

Alissa said...

Wow! Amazingly generous!! What a wonderful giveaway. alissa at handmadebyalissa dot com!

Ariel said...

wowee! I don't have ANY Munki yet...can you believe it?? I love Heather Ross and would be pleased as punch to win! Thanks! xo

connie said...

What cool fabric. Thanks. I also am filling a box for IBOL. Incredibly cool project.

Trisha said...

Wow! Great fabric! Pick me!

MichelleB said...

Very generous of you!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

very cool fabric :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

oops- my email is maumauisginger(at)gmail(dot)com

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Great fabric. I like the odds...better than the lottery.

Anonymous said...

How adorable is that? Somehow they missed showing up in the Alabama stores!
(anonymousinalabama AT gmail dot com)

Anonymous said...

ooh I'd love for a chance to win :)
sasikirana at yahoo

The Calico Cat said...

Wowie kaplowie! Drop my name into the bucket!

pklaw said...

What fun fabric - thanks for the opportunity to win!
klaws1 at comcast dot net

Erin said...

These are such fun fabrics. Thanks for the chance!

peaknits said...

I came over from flickr's Buggy for Heather Ross group - I can't fathom less than 150 entires for this wonderful prize! :) Thank you for the opportunity. And just to make sure you can reach me: - thanks again!

rachandcarl said...

i would love a chance to win this. its so sweet.

Rachael Adele said...

Gorgeous! Thank you for being so generous, from one Rach(a)el to another.

Whitterbon said...

too cute. this could be my first munkimunki!

wish me luck,

Karen Ann said...

Love it. Everyone looks like they are having such a good time.

nettie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

I totally love this and am so psyched you are giving some away! I hope I win! :)

Ashley said...

Oooh, love it! I just can't stand how cute those designs are!! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Donna said...

Count me in for this awesome giveaway . .

I can be reached at : kindredcrafters (at) gmail (dot) com . . thanks so much!

- Donna

~Michelle~ said...

Holy moly, aren't you generous and sharing the fabric love? It's kind of like a bad addiction... Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm a fabric addict!

Donna/Sara from Kindred Crafters said...

Wow! I can't believe you're giving this away! I am a huge Heather Ross fan and this would make my year!


kindredcrafters AT gmail DOT com

Terri said...

did I make it in time? ha! yay I finally caught up on reading to enter your giveaway. Thanks

Amy said...

Close to 50 comments! Maybe the whole set will be mine, all mine!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I want to win! :)

Sam said...

Me too, me too!

Vicki said...

It's so cute. I'd love to win it!

Missy said...

Oh my goodness I would love to win as I don't have any Munki Munki yet either! What a fun giveaway, Thanks for the opportunity!

AmandaHall said...

I would love a chance to win!!!

Always Sewing said...

Oh how I love Heather Ross. I like many others have not been able to add any to my stash as of yet. This would be such a great item to win. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Doris said...

You're such a generous gal! I've been working on getting my Iraqi Bundles of Love package ready to go...sucha great project, I think!

Anonymous said...

Oh how nice of you. I am scrambling to get any scrap of this I can. Sadly I just found out about the Munki Munki line a couple months ago and am finding it hard to locate these prints. I would love a chance to win some. :)

Molly said...

What a supercool giveaway! I love Heather Ross!! You're the best!

Little Miss Shabby said...

Awesome Giveaway! Thanks so much!!

~*Jessica*~ said...

Ooh!!! So cute!!! Pick me! Pick Me!

Anonymous said...

Of course I would like to have a go and try and win a leg or two!!!!

liz @ longview builders said...

I would love to win. I have yet to get any munki fabric and it is all so adorable! Thanks

Rhiannon said...

Oh wow. that is the most adorable fabric I have ever seen!

Ringelgarten said...

I would loooove to win. Heather Ross fabric is not available here in Germany...

epban said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
epban said...

Count me in! One can never have enough Heather Ross!

KerryQ said...

That Heather Ross! Love this print!

Tonya said...

I would love to win some vintage Heather Ross. Thank you for the giveaway. I am also pulling some things together for the Iraqi Bundles of Love.

jacquie said...

hey rach!....great giveaway. i've got my two IBOL boxes ready to go...just need to get to the post office. i think i can probably put together a third. where did you find these jammies?

SandraAd. said...

oh I must win this :-P with all my luck...for never winning anything...

Catherine said...

Number 50+, guess I'm in for the pants or visa versa.

SandraAd. said...

meeeeeeeeeeeeeee please!

teaginny said...

Very cute print!!

Jody said...

OOh..what a great giveaway...I'm crossing my finger for sure!! Thank you for being so generous..I know just what I would do with this!

perdoozy said...

i just ordered some munki from you on etsy and LOVE it... heather ross is a genius! thanks for doing a giveaway... here's me if i win:

Katelyn R. said...

Love it! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

ooh I LOVE them great giveaway thanks so much

debbievds said...

wow-I love.... hope I

Tricia said...

Cute fabric! I'd love to enter to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love a piece! Thanks for doing this generous giveaway!

Diane said...

Count me in - love to win!!

machen und tun said...

great give-away - again! thanks so much!!

Firefly said...

Fantastic giveaway. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Please count me in.

Jaime said...

The most I quilt the more I am drawn to these tiny Heather Ross prints! I'd love a chance to win this!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

This is really cute - I saw the Field Trip that one, too.

hillary said...

I hope I'm not too late! What a fun giveaway!

2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

the winners are:

Me a mom? and
Camp Follower!

Jane .South Carolina said...

Oh yes please...who doesn't love munki munki, a market and a farmer!

yarntini said...

I just got a bit of this in a swap and I love it! I'd also love to get more! Thank you so much!!

jessie AT yarntini DOT net

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway!

EverythingIveGot said...

Sure would love to win this, Rachel!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Tonya from

EverythingIveGot said...

Whoops! Sorry, day late, dollar short!

oversewn (Raven) said...

late, closed??
would love to win