Well, I've been busy and time as usual has gotten away from me.. I reopened the shop. I had to I ran out of money on paypal. Sheesh- how'd that happen?
I added Lush wood grain and multi - paint dot to the store. Stay tuned here on the blog as specials will be listed here first. IM going to have some FMF fat eighth bundles for Xmas and such like that there.
Mostly I have been working on staying healthy. Kinda feel like I lost a few weeks sleeping.. Was it the weather? Did I have the flu?
I've working on launching a quilt drive for the local babies and children living at or below the poverty line.
this is my quilting.. this picture looks terrible but really wait till its done...
who got some mutts on kiwi?? I did! Soon to be quilted . A nice modern quilt for a healthy baby. Lets keep those babies warm thru winter..
Woo hoozle! Someone donated a quilt top to me today! Live and in person. It was so thrilling.
Im doing a quilt and quilt top drive over Here. Each quilt will get finished and numbered, then delivered to a wonderful place called Community Action who will distribute them to agencies that will make sure poor babies and toddlers are warm.
Christina over at The Sometimes Crafter made me great buttons and is joining as she is able to post to the site and maybe quilt something. Thanks Christina! You know, Im sure you have heard but she is doing quilting now. Her rates are very reasonable and I know she does a good job. Check her out!
Seriously this button is awesome and she did the header and blog button too. Find out more about it, participate, and see all the doings over HERE.
Thanks Veterans! I am grateful for your service.
Quilters Rock!
I've been out of touch myself a lot lately. Looks like you have some fun projects going on. I love working on baby-sized quilts. You get to the satisfaction of completion faster!
I was wondering where you had disappeared to. :)
Wow -- you have been busy. Great project for Community Action! I'll see what I can do to contribute.
I like the quitting, stylish!
Off to check out the shop! I love the dots on that quilt.
Love your circular quilting and the Give a Kid a Quilt project is a wonderful idea. I wish I was a little more prolific with my own quilting so I'd have something to donate but the truth is that I haven't even plugged in my sewing machine in weeks!
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