This what I'm back working on ... its slow going. I been on a break finishing this top. I thought working on it would help me finish this. Help me focus on color and placement etc etc.
Its a lot of little pieces, a lot of fiddling. I think I have fiddle fatigue...:D
Rant Alert!!!!
I'm gonna blow!
I got sort of caught up on my Bee Blocks.. hooray. Not gonna bore with the details, which is one of my pet peeves on other blogs( check my flickr if you care) that, and the Effing Music...
Do I think you wanna listen to my music?... no I don't. What kind of conceit makes one put a music player on their blog? Its shidious, wailing, of lame, college alt.vag makes me want scream.... seriously, Im already listening to music... my music, music I like. And stop making me search for the off button..Put it up top so I can turn it off!
Rant Over!!!
So I need to figure out the corners... I may use Gwens Solution from her book - or not- we'll see what happens. For now I am just gonna keep making my points..
Im making strips of points about 10-15 long then setting them aside, making more.. till I get really long strips. On and on it goes.
I am really liking it but am thinking of adding some solid blue in spots or white points... experimenting..
I recently saw a documentary. In the documentary was snips of a music video... a video in which my friend Nicole appeared. I grew up in Southern California, trying to get in music videos or go to tapings was a hobby for some. Nicole has had a bumpy go it... But I love her still and it was great see a moment of our past- I can't tell you how often she wore that shirt- in fact, I may have slept in it myself- I got to show my DH and show him the Sea Shrew (not in the photo) when she was young.. He recently saw her at Craftapollooza during the holiday season selling her felt monsters, and helped me take photos of her to send Nicole. They had an acrimonious split, I sided with Team Nicole. I miss Nicole she lives in NC now and I haven't heard from her in months... Im a little worried.
So that's what I've been doing this week .. Bees, Docs, and Points..
Quilters Rock!
Love the quilt! I grew up in So Cal too. San Fernando Valley. Where did you grow up?
I am so with you on the music thing. It bugs the ever livin' crap out of me... :-P
On a better note - I love how colorful this quilt is!
Fricken' hysterical rant!
But that quilt! I hope you don't mind, I included it in the Workshop this week. Maybe you'll get a good thought on your corners.
I see one point in each corner.
LOL! I am so with you on the music!
I love where you are going with that pointed quilt! The sashing & those fussy cut corner stones - SMILE & Then the background for your border points! WOW!
BTW I browse with my speakers off - just to avoid the Muzak.
What a treat this quilt is! Fiddle Fatigue is an apt expression, made me smile as it is something I understand. I was thinking you might just fiddle some more with a rounded corner of spikes but Cheryl's lone point would compliment things nicely. And last, I'll decide when I want music thanks so my speakers are also off.
so nice to see you making progress on this quilt! I love it!!
The colors in this quilt just make me so happy.
And boy am I with you on the music. HATE.IT.
Thank you for letting me know I am not alone in my complete and utter contempt for mindless music on blogs. UGH!!
I love your pointy borders.
Oh my goodness! I love this quilt with it's polka dots. Can't wait to see it in person.
What a beautiful quilt! I'm not a big fan of the music players, but I have the mute button on my keyboard close at hand. It's not so much the music play that bothers me, it's that every time I go to the next page of the blog, I have to go to the bottom and stop it again.
I'm glad quilter's rock again. ;)
You're hilarious! You can rant anyday if you make me giggle like that again! ;-)
As for the corners - how about a larger circle to fill that space? I can't tell if those are buttons in your sashing or actual circles...but it may add something different there!
(popping over from NaptimeQuilter's blog)
Wow - what a gorgeous project! I definitely see one point per corner. I like the interest that is added by the different blue in the outer points' background; I probably wouldn't go with different colours for the points. But you should try - you never know!
p.s. re: dumb music on blogs. THANK YOU! I've raged out more than a few times. And I don't want to mute because I'm already listening to MY music. Which I LIKE!
Great quilt. Love the border also!!
As far as the music is concerned it is that persons blog and I don't mind music if I am must moving slow that day and don't want to hurry along.
Cute Quilt! I am a little behind in my reader so I just saw it.
as far as the music Rant. Me being someone who also used to have one on my blog. I don't think it's fair to tell people not to add music. Blogs are a form of creative expression of that certian individual. Who would I be if I told them not to put music on their online journal because I didn't like it? If it bothered me that much I might just stay away from those blogs, or turn my speakers off. Just a thought. The blogging world is here for us to be inspired by others, not to tear them down for things that make them who they are!
Oh, I do stay away... Im already listening to music and I dont want to hit mute. I surely didn't mean it personally towards you or anybody else.
I don't really feel like Im telling anybody they cant have music.
Im just saying I dont think its fair to force me to listen to alt.shidious selections in my home, or at my work,I feel as though my comuter just got hijacked.
When the music starts I generally kill the tab.
thanks for sharing...
damn...wrote a whole comment and it disaapeared. i'm sure you would have wanted to read my opinion...hope all is well...the quilt is coming along nicely!
Just saw this post and will agree that it is a lovely quilt coming along. Will also agree about the music.... while it may be *artistic freedom* for a blogger to add music to their blog, I can still despise the fact that it is there. I generally have my speakers on mute anyway but it still bothers me because it's just one more thing for the page to have to process before loading. Now maybe if these blogs were music-based blogs, the music would be appropriate?? But for quilting blogs, the music serves absolutely no purpose. Just because I like someone's quilts doesn't mean I like their taste in music. I am quick to go on to the next site when their music is playing. Thanks for your rant. :)
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