I joined crazy moms daily 9 patch but I am about a week behind. I think I will be adding my blocks on WIP Wednesday to her pool and my blog. Ta Da...
I am using scraps out of my scrap drawer. After I cut out my 5/4 squares I put them in another drawer ready to go. That way I can just pick a combination, sew it up and be done for the day.
Every few days I can cut some more sets of either 5 or 4 pieces. I hope it will help me stay more on track.
Here is a little ball I am making. Right now it's 2 inches I started with just a wee bit of fabric rolled up. What happens is this; I am always cutting a thin little strip to square up my yardage when I make a cut. Now I am saving them and wrapping them into a ball. When I worked in a cube I had a 4 inch ball of rubber bands. I think I might mod podge them to seal them. I think they might be great home dec items, Christmas ornaments or something. I have plenty of time to decide if I will do anything at all.
My paid project that I am testing and making is going well. I have all my blocks made and am putting the rows together.
My flame project, stills need binding and is due tomorrow, so I have to stop working and finish it. I am machine binding it so it should take maybe 2 hours. Maybe. If I goof off.
I love the idea of making those little balls with your scraps! They would be great ornaments!
You could try making fabric pom poms. There is a great tutorial at mollychicken.blogs.com
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