Its 5:30 in the morning here. I'm still up! We are spending the night Friday night as "security" at the guild quilt show. Getting a little practice in ahead of schedule, so I don't fall asleep at the show.
*Rachel rubs her sleepy eyes "what do you mean somebody stole all the quilts?"*
This is my earth day bench. Its made from recycled fence and some great concrete blocks I got from the Rebuilding Center in Portland. Its an awesome place! The bench sits in my garden space so I can park my behind and watch the lettuce grow.
The perfect shape a circle in a square. I thought they were simple and modern. I think they were used for sewer pipe back in the day. idk.
A little radish. teeny tiny . How cute is that? I love spring in Oregon.
Friday is always a tough day for me. I volunteer ,thru my guild, with a group at the County Corrections. Details withheld. I really like being there and I get a great deal from these ladies, but Friday is my day to recover. I grew up really poor in Los Angeles County, around people shooting drugs, sadness, hopelessness, despair and crisis. I made it out, and I am grateful, but Friday is my day to process and recover.
I also get a chance to teach beginners how to sew/quilt. Excellent experience for me. It's a win win.
Proof of Spring; this is my Mom out in the sun, reading and soaking up the heat. She is such a little old lady; tea drinking, pillow punching, and boring story telling. I love her, when I grow up I want to be just like her. But like my dog Stella I hope to be in the shade.
Quilters Rock!
I really like your Earth Day bench. It's beautiful. I also think it's rad that you're up at 5:30 garding quilts - that's so cool.
love your bench...those are the best concrete blocks...look pretty designer sewer to me! the quilt arrived! it's totally fabulous! you did a great job on the quilting. it's been through the wash and is all crinkly and gorgeous. the first pi quilt finished. i want to know how you do that PERFECT machine binding. thanks so much rachel!
Your mom looks so at peace. I'm jealous.
And circles in squares rock! Well, any circles rock.
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