Yeah finally!
I need to get on the quilt for Project Improv. I have been thinking about it all week.
I decided to quilt the squares and not the sashing. Jacquie told me she liked the "swirly quilting" in my spare change quilt.
I didn't think that was the way I wanted to go. The sashing and border are dark brown and I would have to switch threads and then it could show on the light back, so I needed to be careful.
I decided to not quilt the border and sashing , just the light blocks, using the swirly pattern Jacquie likes.
I finally got it on the quilter.
I'm on my last row of blocks. I have made my binding. I'm almost done!
On a lighter note:
Today is Tax Day in America. Some folks who are upset with how things are going and who won the election are out today publicly teabagging. It's too dang funny for words. When I see photos of some guy holding a sign that says "tea bag obama" - I start the giggling!
The other thing I LOVE about the photos of these protests; It's like a "Where's Waldo". The folks ALL white! I like to try and find the "person of color". It's fun.
So here is me "teabagging" on Tax Day.
If you don't know why I think this is funny, or why your kids and grandkids love to use "tea bag" as a verb.... see this link and stop writing anti-semtic comments that I have to delete and even you are so ashamed of , you can't sign your name. Happy Teabagging!
Quilters Rock!
I really like that top quilt, are the squares appliqued? I've done something similar with circles.
PS Those free motion swirls are great!
Your Project Improv quilt is gorgeous.
The purple is lovely. . . I was visiting all your improv photos--such lovely work. Thanks for the inspiration!
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