I have really blonde fundus... The doctor said it was the lightest he has ever seen.
He was really excited!
Blonde fundus is describing the amount of pigment in the fundus. It is sort of common in caucasions. It is of no real concern.
This means I probably need to take good care of my eyes by wearing sun glasses, since I lack pigmentation in the fundus . The fundus of the eye is the interior surface of the eye, opposite the lens, and includes the retina, optic disc, macula and fovea, and posterior pole.
Babies I think, are born with no pigment and then the fundus fills in. Mine never did. I am extremely sensitive to light and get headaches... the Doctor said it was interesting and healthy. I bought some sunglasses and took some Ib after being blasted with the lights. Im good.
Aren't these pictures neat? That's my eyeball!
Weird right?
That's really cool! I've never seen pictures like this before.
How cool that you got to keep the images!!
I just had my eyes done this way too. So, so cool! I thought they would make really interesting art work blown up large. I hope you got some killer sunglasses!
All you need to do is translate that into an art quilt!!! The eye dr would think that was just so cool....and so would I :)
I had pictures done too the last time I went to the eye doctor...it was so cool! I put one of the pictures on the computer as the desk top to freak my DH out...he thought it was a planet at first! LOL
Wierd...but cool... I have the same problems, maybe that is the cause of mine...
that is really cool
so what part is the iris? and what is the light green bit in the center?
awesome! so very cool that you have the pictures!
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