Its really been awhile since I did a WIP WED post. I saw Faiths great Fall quilt top and was so inspired! Really pretty and beautiful. I am going to have some dental work done tomorrow and have been having quite a bit of anxiety brewing up and needed to keep my mind occupied. I am the kind of patient that needs lots of drugs to get and stay in the chair. Seriously bad patient. To distract myself I decided to work on a tut I have been working on in my head. It's up there swimming around and I need to get it out but I also need a sample.
First step:
I started pulling fabric like a crazy woman.
These are my final choices.
Step Two:
I cut 3" strips of the colors or coins and 2.5 inch strips of the background.
when I did the math I figured out I needed twice as much background as colors.
I used 20" of color and 40" background for each block.
I'm going to put a tutorial on Flickr of the steps needed to make the blocks and put together. But it's not finished yet.. so a couple more days...
see you next week!
Fabrics are great! Looking forward to the tutorial.
I love those fall colours! Can't wait to see your tutorial too. Good luck at the dentist.
Great fabric choices! I love orange. And I am totally with you re: the dentist, sister! I know exactly what you're going through. Even the most minor cleaning makes my blood pressure go through the roof. I listen to my iPod so loud I know I'm courting hearing loss, but at least I can't hear the whirring and whining of those stupid machines! Hang in there - it really is for the best, and it will be over soon!
Love your fabrics and strips. Looking forward to seeing more of your project.
What happy colors combos. Looking forward to your tutorial. And have a great day tomorrow. It will all turn out OK. All the best.
i'm a crappy patient too...i hope it went your fabric pull!!
Love the fabrics! Love them.
Glad you are on the mend. This is looking pretty good to me. Nice mix of patterns.
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