Woo hoo! 8 days till Denyse Schmidt class and counting. They sent out a mail that said basically bring 4 half yards of coordinating fabric. 4? four? are you sure? okay, so I have been slaving over this idea for weeks. Which 4? I thought at first I was going to ignore that mail and take a background of gray and then a rainbow of fat eighths - right now, I am following directions.
On the day we will see. I think the stack needs more blue. we'll see.
The thrift store was good to me! I needed a new rack to hold my rulers, small mats and templates. See the old one? a old plate rack from Ikea. The new one is a file folder rack from the office supply section of the Goodwill I like its industrial look. I spent a great deal of time straightening up my work space so I could take this photo. Making all those quarter circle blocks made quite a mess. and yet still the mess shows. I can't sew together the top until I have clean work surface, so Guess what I will be doing this weekend?
Here is how its going.... I just threw it up to have a look see. Right now all the blocks are in a stack on my desk and I need to re-org them. Then they go back up and that's what I am doing next week. That and quilting.
and getting ready for class. ... too excited for words.
Quilters Rock!
I love your 4 colors! I think it needs a little more blue, too. Bring it "just in case"... LOL! I would bring my entire stash "just in case".
And your circles are so cool! Love the bright green solid in there.
I love, love, LOVE how this circle quilt is turning out! I just might have to be a copy-cat and make something like this. I think curved seams really give a quilt a special quality. Can't wait to see it finished!
No kidding on the fabric selection for the class! I think I managed to narrow it down to 12 or something like that.... If I can fit them all in my luggage I will! Also -- LOVE those circles!
you should not have told me that!8D
one more reason to do fat eighths and a background....
thanks for the love on the circles!
its muddy and confusing right now so I can use the support.
I am really loving your circle quilt. I will add that to my never ending list of projects to make. The colors are so relaxing!
Can't wait to hear all about your Denyse Schmidt workshop. Will you be able to take photos?
And I love your circle quilt...I like the mix of complete small circles with the larger pieced circles.
I love circle quilts!
Yours are beautiful.
Lucky girl - maybe I can stalk the Portland streets and run into Denyse Schmidt. :) I love the idea for the rulers. I might have to find an old, metal magazine rack to hang on the wall and do something similar for my rulers. The drunkards path is looking great!
OH! How I wish I lived close to someone else who quilts, I am a Military wife living in Japan currently, and an intermediate quilter. I wish I had someone to work with and share ideas! I love the colors in your circle quilt. I need inspiration, I would never have put together such a pretty palette!
Thanks for sharing your art.
Sarah Simpson
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