I'm doing a give away! Flea Market Fancy Half yard and FQs ! Want to enter?
Join the give away down here. I went to the workshop and a wonderful woman gave me a quarter yard of grey seeds but some how I lost it, all my scraps I was saving, and worst of all 2 of my sketch books of ideas and quilting ideas... mass sadness.
But I want to ask if any one has grey seeds? Would you be willing to swap for some green seeds. I would also take blue or .... um is there pink? no yellow.
So I am releasing my sadness to the universe over losing my books ( I just have to let go) and I'm sure the scraps went into Denyse's bins, alas, I was talking and not cleaning up. So I turn to you dear reader, I still want some grey seeds ... really bad.
I would like FQ or half yard cuts... so let me know.
Quilters Rock!
Rachel, I found some sprouts in "putty" I'm guessing that's the grey you're looking for. Here's the link:
Hope this helps. Can't help with the journals tho' ,mine are a bunch of crap and you do such great stuff. Hope your man is doing better (is that even possible until they've passed)
Ann (ann.moum@peelsb.com)
hi rachel, i have sent you an email about a swap. Tragedy about the grey seedlings! to have had it in your hands and then its gone! AAARRRRGGGHHHH!
cheers rach
I think I have some pink I'd be happy to send you - let me check... but no grey alas
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