Well, I ahave been trying to clear the decks for August. I sent out my fabrics for Stash Busters, requesting wonky stars. I kinda felt like I wanted my own BushFire Quilt after seeing so many of them. I was supposed to send out 100square inches of fabric to I sent out between 2-6 swatches of modern fabric.
I went to the local Museum and re-rolled quilts.
Amy over at Amy ala Mode gave me a thank you and I meant to make 9 patches with them and show it but I cannot seem to get motivated.
Most of the fabric she gave me I didn't already have so it's great because now I can use it to make 9 patches. Ive been using the coasters too, in this heat my cup has been a sweatin'. It was great meeting her and showing off my city.
Thanks Amy.
I'm trying to get all my stuff together and loaded onto Etsy for my store. Im busy sewing a quilt top of vintage sheets. I have been cutting and stacking. Most likely it will go up starting this weekend(my days with the fewest visitors) SO check back Monday.
I'm excited about the shop. I went out and got envelopes and etc. I feel almost prepped and ready. This is the first time I have done this much fabric, It's a lot of work.I hope I am ready for it.
I think my parents had that top sheet. I need to get working again on my nine-patch. Finally finished the wedding quilt and it's off to the quilters!
eeek such pretties!
i just popped into your shop and i am so excited to have gotten some denyse schmidt!!
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