Tonight I'll be at the westside quilters guild how-toing my kite block technique. These two quilts are the same block.
It's so much easier.
Meetings are held the third Monday at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Cornelius Pass Business Park, 2038 Aloclek Drive, Hillsboro, OR 97124. Show & Tell begins at 6:45 PM. Meeting & Program begins at 7:00 PM
so enter the drawing for the FMF Green Sprouts/seeds down below and later this week I'll do a posting about the class and how I think I am changed by taking it. maybe not changed but refocused. okay. it was great.
One thing I learned is I need to change my design board to plain fabric.I will be buying some White Flannel. ugh. I haven't unpacked or looked at the photos I took.
More later!
Quilters Rock!
Rachel, I love your pink and white quilt. What is the name of the pattern?, where can I get it? I must have it--okay I really want it. Please inquiring minds want to know. P.S. how close are you to Philomath? my big bro is a prof at OSU.
Thanks, Ann (
You know I like the vintage fabrics, but that pink and orange version is pretty spectacular! Class was awesome, I agree!
Your quilt is gorgous. I absolutely love it what is the name of the pattern. I live in michigan so I will not be able to take your class. Wish I could. Where could I get the pattern?
The top one is absolutely to-DIE-for! It's just stunning. I love it, love it, love it.
Yes I love the top one too, I want ot make it today...sigh.
Hi Rachel---Thanks for the great demo last night! Might just have to make me a kite quilt now! I was the visitor that had the Relay For Life raffle quilt and did the shout out for Jiffy Gifts. Glad to have your blog..will add it to my daily good reads!
Take care,
~ Kathy
Okay, I'm in love with the pink and orange one. Like really, really love it! Did you use a pattern?
I love your sewing table (it's so clean too!). Is it a Horne?
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